Saturday, January 23, 2010

Flat Panel Tv Ratings Flat Panel Televisions?

Flat Panel Televisions? - flat panel tv ratings

I am researching flat-screen TV, so far, and I use Web sites the following information: Consumer Reports, CNET, Consumers and research.

I wonder if some of you "techies" would be willing to other sites that you trust me stock, so I can search no more.

Not only I am interested in the overall standings, but I am interested in information about the quality and longevity of LCD, DLP, plasma, etc.

Thank you for your help.

1 comment:

  1. Presentation of 3 completely different technologies. LCD and plasma half-life can use an average of 50,000 hours (of life). The DLP is an increased lamp for the projection and the lamp should last 2-5 years and is easily replaceable ($ 150). The DLP is a good way to go if you want a larger screen 55-71 "LCD and plasma in the larger sizes are much more expensive, you can get NICE 61" DLP $ 2000 for a plasma of similar size, $ 5000 is because I recommend that a larger DLP. If you are 32-50 "plasma or LCD, I saw both highs and lows. Plasma generally has deeper blacks and handles fast action better. LCD makes less heat and consumes less power and less reflection. I confess DLP and LCD and I am very satisfied with both.
