Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Genesis 1:29 Marijuanna Genesis 1:29-30 Says God Gave Every Plant Obtaing A Seed For Mans Use.Weed Has A Seed In It So Why Is Wrong?

Genesis 1:29-30 says God gave every plant obtaing a seed for mans use.Weed has a seed in it so why is wrong? - genesis 1:29 marijuanna

Marijuana is associated with hemp, which makes the ropes well. Heart medicine digitalis comes from this plant, a plant is highly toxic.

Any use of a plant is not necessarily an advantage.


  1. There are many poisonous plants out there. Simply because it is for our use, does not mean that our bodies are consumed.

    Most people have smoked grass, but I think you can not with the Bible as justification.

  2. Probably would be nice if people used the path of God, probably used in tents, but abusing people like everything else.

  3. It is illegal in most places in the U.S..
    And God has given these plants for food.
